Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful, beautiful momma.  Thank you for destroying your rocking chair with a hacksaw to free my leg when I got it stuck that one time when I was little.  Thank you for beating all of those yellow jackets off of me and Vicki when we stumbled upon their nest while playing in the woods years ago. And thank you for never ever letting me use electric hedge trimmers.  I'm pretty sure that it is because of your vigilance that I today have my life and all of my appendages.

And Happy Mother's Day to my dear Gran, God rest her soul.  If it wasn't for her, I don't think I would have the especially green thumb that I possess, nor would I have knowledge of the magical healing powers of Epsom Salts.  From mange to boils, an Epsom Salt bath will take care of it.